Labexchange News

Social and sustainable IT

Replacement PCs are repaired by people with disabilities

Sustainability and resource conservation at Labexchange are not just empty words, but are also lived out when purchasing goods.

Labexchange specialises in evaluating the functionality of used laboratory and analysis systems and fully restoring them through technical service. In the case of complex analysis systems, such as HPLC systems, the associated PCs are occasionally replaced during repair.

Labexchange obtains these replacement PCs from the AFB company. AFB offers professionally renewed used IT hardware from brand manufacturers at top prices. What‘s special: The PCs are completely repaired by people with disabilities. According to its own information, it is the largest non-profit IT company in Europe. The business model convinces with inclusive, socially entrepreneurial and ecological actions.

The sustainability philosophy of Labexchange is therefore not a blunt marketing promise. When selecting suppliers and along the value chain, we pay attention to an improved ecological balance.




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